Sunday, January 20, 2013

We Just Cannot Live In That Negative Way

I'm gonna try not to be too wordy with this post.  I was originally going to a huge, verbose and angry rant on a movie I had recently seen and wanted to vent about, but then I decided against it.  I'm trying to get rid of a lot of negativity in my life, and while negative movie reviews can be great if they're funny this one wasn't - it was just a hateful, toxic rant about how offended I was by the movie and it's topic.  My complaints were legitimate in addition to being vitriolic, but I want to be more constructive with my life.  Especially seeing as how this is the first post of the year.

So today I thought I'd share a movie I really love.  I mentioned it in my post about adult (no, not that kind) anime a while back but didn't go into detail about it because it isn't available commercially in the US and therefore cannot be easily obtained.  Well, you can get it out on the 'net if you look hard enough, and I suggest you do because Angel's Egg is a supremely awesome film, one of the greatest animated movies ever made.  It reminds me of why Mamoru Oshii is my favorite anime director - it is well animated, insanely gorgeous and makes you think.  I'm not going to attempt to analyze the movie (because that would take weeks).  I'm not even going to attempt to explain the plot (which would be like trying to explain the plot of a painting).  I'm just going to let the pics from the movie below speak for themselves and let them entice you into seeking it out.

And if you are American like I am you can email Criterion after you are done watching it and ask them to get the rights to it and release it on video over here, like I did after I first saw it.

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