Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes?

I got a Blu-Ray player for Christmas a few days ago.  I had wanted one for a while but couldn't justify the expenditure.  Well, now that I have one I guess I can pick up some Blu-Rays, if the price is right.  To be honest though I haven't had much time to watch many movies, imaginary reader.  I am currently trying (once again) to get out of my shitastic retail job, so there's not much time to be reviewing movies and stuff.  Besides, I'm less satisfied with simply offering my opinions on other people's stuff, especially when they aren't even intelligent opinions.  Maybe I'll wind down this blog like I've thought of doing before.

Or maybe I'll just put it on hold for a while.

Or maybe I'll just keep banging out mediocre shit endlessly until the sun explodes.

Who knows?

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