Saturday, September 7, 2013

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Ahhh, trying to get my shit together - it's been a lot of work and I still have a long way to go but I am on my way... anyways, I have missed this blog and now that summer is over I can have fun writing for it again.

So what new stuff did I watch over the summer?  Just some of the *cheesiest* stuff ever on Netflix!  That's right, I idled away my movie watchin' time in the hot months watching some really bad B-Movies, most of them by Roger Corman.

Without further ado here they are:

Not Of This Earth (1988) - This is a cheap Roger Corman-produced remake of a cheap 1950s Roger Corman movie.  The plot, about a vampiric alien sent to Earth to obtain human BLOOD, is inconsequential - I suspect that the real purpose for this film's existence is ex-porn starlet Tracy Lords, who stars as a nurse and of course gets topless in the course of what little there is of the story.  Got to get all the young males hot and horny!  Not Of This Earth is not really worth watching; it's dull, dull, dull and only exists as an excuse to see Tracy Lords in the buff (and personally she doesn't do much for me).

Galaxy Of Terror (1981) - This is less dull but is still baffling.  A spaceship goes on a rescue mission to a mysterious planet and it's crew members start getting slaughtered by their worst fears in some of the goriest (and sickest) ways possible.  Yes, this is the movie with the infamous "maggot rape" scene.  There are some interesting ideas here and the production (Corman outdid himself here) is pretty cool considering that the budget was under $1 Million, but Galaxy Of Terror just can't decide what it wants to be - is it a cheap grade B horror flick or a serious sci-fi film?  It tries to be both but doesn't really succeed.  Maybe with a better director it could have been a good film, as it is it's just an oddity.  But, hey, it does have Ray Walston, so that's cool!  Worth seeing once.

Forbidden World (1982) - This was actually a pretty decent Corman movie.  It's been accused of being an Alien rip-off, but aside from a few superficial items it's pretty much it's own thing, with a halfway clever story about a group of scientists on another planet creating a killer lifeform that (of course) tries to devour them all.  And it has a truckload of gratuitous female nudity, so there's that.  The dialogue is laughable, some of the situations are insane and sometimes it all makes no sense but Forbidden World is actually a pretty fun viewing - if you are in the mood for a movie with lots of gooey alien action and boobs, then I heartily recommend it.

Creature (1985) - Not a Roger Corman movie.  This one is sort of an Alien ripoff, but it's mildly entertaining.  Most of the actors aren't worth mentioning, except one - the great Klaus Kinski.  That's right, the insane but brilliant actor and subject of this site's own month-long Kinskifest is in this cheapo sci-fi horror flick and he's about the only reason to see it.  The FX are decent although the Creature itself is pretty lame looking.  The movie drags but is entertaining enough although I probably don't need to see it ever again.  If you are a fan of Kinski (like I am) you should probably see this once.

Well, that's it.  Four cheap horror movies available online to anyone with a Netflix account.  Now, if you'll excuse me I have to what, what's that oh my god it's ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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