Saturday, October 1, 2011

Der Ring's Die Thing - A Quick Thought

I know that it's been a month since my last post, but my next review (the one I promised last time) has been taking a while, for two reasons:  the first is that the next review is for a TV show and it's been taking a long time to watch episodes, grab screenshots, etc.  The other reason is that I got a copy of Richard Wagner's monumental music drama Der Ring des Nibelungen two weeks ago and listened through that, and that took a while.  Listening to that opera cycle actually got me to thinking, too.  Why hasn't Hollywood made a movie version of the Ring Cycle?  I know, I know, it's opera, but it has everything a modern movie audience could want out of a fantasy epic:  action, romance, magic rings, swords, dwarves, dragons, betrayal, gods, fate and death.  What more could you want?  Audiences seemed to love Lord of the Rings, and that was really long so I don't think length would dissuade anybody.  And I think people could get used to the fact that everyone's singing all the time... they could just think of it as a massive, fourteen hour long music video.  With epic fantasy.  And incest.  Epic fantasy incest.  Whatever.  It was common in Greek Mythology and Ancient Egypt, so it's not like people haven't encountered the concept before.  Anyways, I think it would do rather well.  And it going to see it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than going to see it at the opera house.

Well, anyways, there's my quick thought.  As I promised, I will be back next week with a positive review.

What will it be?

Well, you'll just have to wait and find out.


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