Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lying Movie Titles, Exhibit A

I said I'd do it so here it is.

Director: Mario Bava

This film is the ultimate in style over substance.  There is very little story - a spaceship crew lands on a creepy alien planet and discovers that the crew of their sister ship has become alien-possessed zombies (why the hell it's called Planet of the *Vampires* is beyond me, there's nary a bloodsucker in sight... the original Italian title Terror In Space makes a whole lot more sense) - there is almost no characterization, it drags a bit and the dialogue is nothing to write home about.  But the sets!  And those costumes!  And the cool alien skeletons!  Sure, the actual special effects are hideously dated and sometimes laughable, but Planet of the Vampires is a visually striking film... Mario Bava was known for his use of color and his mastery of lighting and it shows in this movie. The creepy atmosphere and colorful sights will stay with you for a while...  it definitely did with the right people - you can see it's influence in Alien (writer Dan O'Bannon openly admitted to the influence of Bava's movie but director Ridley Scott has never owned up to it even though it's freaking obvious) and a lot of other later sci-fi movies.

I know that I haven't written much about this film, but as I have said it is because there isn't much to write about story or performance-wise.  This ain't some deep rumination on the human condition to be analyzed but a (sometimes) fun little space zombie movie to simply look at and appreciate for what it is.  In the end, I can safely recommend Planet of the Vampires - it's not a cinematic science fiction masterpiece but it's still better than Interstellar.


It's the 60s so the spacesuits look like this.

It's the 60s so they're still putting effort into making alien
planet sets look *alien*.

It's the 60s and it's not Star Trek, so the spaceships are just
models sitting in front a backdrop...
...the spaceship control rooms are an ergonomic nightmare...

...and ray guns are butane torches.

"No, I am totally NOT a killer space zombie."

Hmm... I wonder...

...where Ridley Scott...

...got his ideas from.

"Let's watch this new movie, supposed to be good,
it's called Interstellar...."

"It's not my fault! She passed out after watching only 30 minutes!"
Okay, okay, this is the last time I'll hate on Interstellar.

Next Time: More Mario Madness

P.S. Interstellar sucks.

...Damn it!

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