The end of one year and the start of another is always an opportunity to reminisce and reflect on the passage of time, but this year hit me moreso than previous ones. Time has always been strange for me (as it doubtless is for most of the human race)... events from half a lifetime ago sometimes feel like they happened yesterday while stuff that happened a few days ago seem eons away. However, I think it finally hit me this year: the formative years of my childhood and adolescence are long gone. I realized this many years ago, obviously, but this year in particular was a big reminder.
See, this year Star Trek: Deep Space Nine turned 20 years old. TWENTY YEARS OLD. I watched that show when I was a kid all the way through high school. I always thought of it as being one of the "newer" Trek shows. Now it is comfortably in the past (with crappy reboot Trek being in the present - nope, gonna keep this post positive... no nerd rage here....). On a related note, a lot of the PC games I played as a kid (never owned a console) turned 20 this year too. Lucasarts' X-Wing, Day of the Tentacle, and Sam and Max Hit The Road in particular. 20 year old computer games - and I still play them on a semi regular basis (well, the adventure games, anyway).
And it's funny because in the grand scheme of things twenty years isn't piffle. Even in the course of human history it is nothing. But in your average human life it can seem like a long time... even when you swear that it sometimes feels like yesterday.
Well, here's to 2014 and the inevitable forward march of time. Until we invent some sort of time machine the past will have to remain in our memories and our stories. Which is the best place for it really... progress doesn't happen by looking backwards.
Happy New Year.
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